Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fall's Beginnings

Here we are, early September already. This year has just sailed by, and it has felt like a huge roller coaster. But, why am I summarizing already?? It's not December! We still have the most fun part of the year yet to come! So bring it on, I'm ready! And I'm tired. It's a great kind of tired though, one I haven't felt since....well....have I ever felt tired like this before? Maybe when I was younger and had dedications to clubs/teams/etc. What a difference a few months can make. Prior to June, I was a bump on a log. I wished I could do more, but never saw the greater reason why I should do more. Would it really matter? And my classic excuse...I rotate shifts, my sleep is always messed up and I'm usually recuperating from my last string of whatevers...I need to sleep when I'm not at work. The excuses are over. Now I'm finding as much, if not more reward in doing outside of the office things as I imagined. I am easily influenced...both for the good, and probably the bad. I'm working hard to gear it more towards the good...and hope to be doing alright. I like to think of it more as I'm easily inspired. :) Books, movies, brief conversations, etc can set wheels in motion for me to do something.   Our Women in Science conference is just around the corner! What an honor it has been again to work with this group of people on the board and committee for our fifth event. We continue to work on our Non-Profit status...phew, quite a bit of work goes into that. I was expecting it to take a lot of work though. It will be worth it once it's over, I have no doubt. I'm so excited for this year's event, I think it will be outstanding. We had a bit of a slow start this year, but as is always the case...everything is falling into place. We finally have our keynote, our break-out speakers are responding with gusto, booths are well staffed. The last thing? Volunteers...always with the volunteers! We're working on it, and I'm sure it too will work out just fine. And if not? We'll work it out! Why not be optimistic?   I'm looking forward to the next board meeting for the animal shelter. I am almost positive I would love to be a part of this board. Of course, they have the final say on all those matters, so we'll see what they decide. They have a big event coming up a couple weeks after Women in October promises to be busy, busy, busy. But it always is! My Mom arrives on the 1st (which is also our anniversary)...she's staying until the morning of the 4th. Women in Science is the 2nd. My birthday is the 8th. The 10th is Cesar Millan's visit to Wyoming! The Wine Tasting event for Paws is on the 17th. Sister-in-law's birthday is the 18th, nephew's is the 21st. We might have plans for Halloween weekend but not sure quite yet. I feel like I'm missing some items, but you get the idea. I love makes me feel alive, and the early events of the month leave me incredibly motivated. 
Last week, a coworker and I went down to a food bank in Lander. Our office has made a conscious decision/hope to do more for our communities, and the food bank was one effort we elected to participate in. It was quite an experience. We were in the "back room" for the couple hours we were there. Helping to organize boxes of assorted food for families, and making sure the stock was sufficient to create those boxes. Their overall food stock was impressive considering the size of the operation. And they made sure to include a fairly balanced selection of food...making sure to go heavy on the protein and fruit/veggies. I was impressed...I hope my coworker was as well.The food bank gave us a dedicated slot on Wednesdays so that one (or two) of us could head down there. Between now and New Year's Eve, we have the majority of the weeks filled. Hopefully the remaining weeks will get filled.  
The time at the animal shelter continues as well. This past week with as much work as I was doing for Women in Science and the food bank, it got cut very short. I don't think I actually went this week at all. I always feel badly when that happens, but whenever I talk to the manager, she says she understands and is fine with whatever time I get there. 
I don't know why, but for some reason I am having so much fun right now. Maybe it's a honeymoon-kinda thing with trying to do more. Don't get me wrong, I have days when I'm wiped out and long for more sleep and time to be a bump on the couch again. Regardless to those times, I'm generally happy.   Paul is doing very well also. He's ramped up for another school year, though sad to see the opportunities for more outdoor activities fade with the changing of the seasons. But, thrilled with football season starting, and the awareness that hockey is just around the corner. We're pretty happy with life right now. Things could always improve...but isn't that always the case? Ok people...time for me to bail...almost time for work! I hope you all are doing well. Later!