Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finding Motivation...

So I was sitting at work, reading a couple of old friends' blogs...and realizing maybe it would be good I at least attempted keeping up with my blog. It'll be a little more morphed into Paul and I's blog since his have fairly specific topics (RC and Programming).

Something is changing in me, don't know what. But my goals and desires in life are changing. One of my friends at work told me that it's a signal that I'm going through a "growth spurt." I asked if that meant I would be able to reach more shelves in our kitchen. No, I'm kidding...I didn't say anything like that (though it did fly into my head), I knew what he meant. Maybe he's wouldn't be a bad thing...I could stand to go through some positive changes! Who couldn't?

Well, I'm not going to try to rehash times since my last post. I will say that since then we've been back to Ohio for a short weekend to throw my parents a surprise 40th anniversary party, hosted Thanksgiving for my parents, hosted Christmas for Paul's sister and her family, and have made a few trips to the metropolis of Casper (both for work and fun). So, we'll just kind of start with this month, and go from there.

Paul and I went over to a coworker's (mine, not his) house for a Superbowl Party. Hooray for the Steelers win...that made my grandparents cheer in heaven. No doubt my Dad's mom was stomping like crazy and enjoying some heavenly brew with my grandpa whom I never got a chance to meet. :) The party we went to was a fantastic time. There was very little "shop-talk" and everyone was in good spirits. I suppose that was probably aided by the overflowing beer and wine. Anyhow...everyone there except Paul and I were cheering for the Cardinals, so I had some fun there. I made a couple calls home too to talk to my Dad during the game. What a fun night. Of course, within a week Paul and I were sick as dogs. Some bug was introduced at the party, and about half of us got a nasty cold-type thing. Paul was still hell-bent to do his Winter Carnival RC race even though he was probably feverish and (obviously) didn't seem to be feeling all that well. My downfall was the following day when I actually had to call in sick to work, and had a fever of at least 100 degrees. Joy and a half. At least I got to watch some movies with him that day! Oh well, it's over, and Paul and I are now back to normal (though I still have a touch of a lingering cough).

Paul and I went to Salt Lake City on the 9th and 10th. I'd never been there before...what a beautiful place! We didn't take any pictures...we had plans to take them the next day. Of course, the snowfall that night left some low clouds over the mountains for that next pics didn't make sense. Maybe next time, it certainly will not be the last time we'll be there. We were able to do some shopping and eat at chain restaurants...ahhh the luxury! We found out while we were there that Paul's grandfather was having additional health problems, which really concerned us. We were happy to learn that he did not have a stroke, though his heart problems remain in our thoughts.

Valentine's day was very relaxed. I worked a half-day, and after getting home Paul and I ran out to get a couple more things. We just cooked in. My parents got us an Omaha Steak gift package for we ate a ton of food from that. My husband is a pro at grilling steaks, and those tenderloins were certainly no exception. Couple that with twice baked potatoes, garlic bread,
and chocolate cake...and we were full and happy.

Times have been fairly relaxed since then. I've been working off and on (have had an odd stretch of shifts) and am now in my string of 6 day shifts again. When I finish these on Wednesday afternoon, I will have worked 8 out of 9 days. Yippee! Nah, it's general, I've been working with some of my favorite coworkers, so it's been a nice stretch (so far!). Paul of course works a normal person's he's at home living up his weekend. His weekend will be spent working on his R/C cars all day, and then going Mini-Z racing tonight. Me? I'm on day shifts...that means I'll be asleep by 930. Man, I'm getting old! Not sure what his plans are for tomorrow...not sure he knows either.

Well, that was certainly long winded enough for today. I'll get some pics up sometime soon. Take care!