Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not too much to report...

Well, there's not a whole lot going on with us these days. I just got done with a string of 7 evening shifts, and am now in the middle of a 3-day, much needed break. It was a fairly stressful string due to winter storms. There were a couple instances where it all worked out where we wanted, but there were, and continue to be, a few places that we struggle with. This time of year is rough for forecasting sometimes. I know it frustrates a lot of our public, but rest assured that we actually are doing the best job we can. :)

I did just finish a book for my LEAD class this morning. I started it last evening when I went to Paul's flying event at the middle school. After 7 evening shifts, there was no way I was going to hang out alone in the house. Let me just say how impressed I was/am with that book. It gave me a lot to think about. I keep hoping this is reflective of the type of course I'm going to in June. I continue to look forward to that event. I'm nervous about it, but excited. Anyhow, the book was The Servant...and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to read that is leadership-oriented. 

Let's see... on the lighter side of things, I activated my Twitter account the other night. I find it interesting, and amusing at the number of celebrity's that are actively utilizing the program. And animals! Including ours. Yep...yesterday I set up an account for our beagle Clouie... she can be found @clouiethebeagle ... today I set her up so she's following some other dogs. It just amuses the heck out of me. 

I'm sure Paul has some more updates, but I'll let him post his thoughts. Between work and sleep, there's not much interesting for me to talk about...outside of that book. Anyhow, I should go get ready and get some lunch made for Paul and I. Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, and Cheese sandwiches...can't wait!!!