Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Insert Creative Title Here...

Alright... some days off are finally here!! No thinking about weather, right? Wrong. Today was a two hour severe weather seminar at work where I made a couple of contributions. Tomorrow night is a Spotter Talk down in Lander. I'm only going to watch this one. In May I'll split the presentation with one of the office leaders, and then I'm on my own (should another one be scheduled). Just continuing my efforts on outreach, and office research. The great part is that doing all of these talks recently is making it so I'm not anywhere near as nervous as I used to be. I can only get better with time. The leaders at my office (one of them asked me not to call him management any longer... not sure what else to call him (he suggested "co-worker" which doesn't do his job justice)... so I'll just call them leaders) are very willing to let us get involved in virtually anything we want with outreach, leadership, research, etc. It's a benefit to being in a smaller town office I think. No getting lost in the shuffle for me this way. The plans for my outreach event that I thought of, and an planning and leading are still underway.

Elsewhere in life. Recorded the movie version of "Rent" today to watch tomorrow. I've not seen the stage production of it, but thought I would start somewhere... not like shows like that come around Wyoming very often. Heh. Speaking of shows... 5 months, 11 days until the Genesis concert. Am still keeping my eyes peeled for them performing in Denver. That's probably the only other place I'd go to see them... regardless of my ridiculous urge to chase them all over the country. :)

Plans for tomorrow? I have no idea. Likely I'll do some laundry unless I finish it this evening. If it's clear out, I might venture up to the house and take pictures of the view (have I mentioned that yet??), but other than that I have no plans. Will probably workout in the morning again. I did that today as well, but should probably try to do that on all my days off for when I miss days while I'm working. We'll see what happens when I wake up. Wow, not a creative post, I know. Sorry. There will be days like this. The Mets are on, I gotta go watch my boys while I can. Until later...