Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Weird Days and House Sagas

Wow... I feel like it's been forever since I've last posted on here...though it has only been a week give or take. Expect this lack of consistency, especially during certain rotations in my schedule. So, some news... some good, some not so much. We'll start with the good.

Please welcome my newest niece into the world!! She was born yesterday (the 16th) sometime during the late-ish morning as far as I know. My sister and lawyer-in-law (ha!) have yet to decide on a name. I believe they are leaning towards Logan, but possibly could be Brooke. I await the result on pins and needles. Her birth made for an interesting range of feelings yesterday after finding out about the massive tragedy that happened at VT. A friend of mine from Ohio U, I realized, has a little sister that goes to VT. Thankfully all is well... her sister wasn't near the impacted area yesterday morning. It was nice to talk to my friend, of course...just wish I had initiated the call for a better reason... but you take what you can get sometimes. But, I am so looking forward to getting back to O-H land so I can meet my very cute little niece. I'm sure there will be pictures of them around here too sometime.

Alright... bad news. Dealing with the house...potentially. There's some tie-up with the complaint which has caused some delays in resolving it. Our closing date has semi-officially been given the shaft, though we're still very hopeful that everything will end up being fine, and resolved quickly. For now, we're just hoping the buyers of our current house are able to remain in the contract with a very negotiable closing date. We shall see... we're awaiting their response. More details to come... :) Keep your fingers crossed for us... we really do love this house.

What else can I tell you? Weather? Nah... you don't want to hear about that. Work starts again in an hour or so... something to look forward to. HA! Should be good... should be busy with a bigger system supposed to move in over the next few days. Fun, fun. At least we're not in the plains where a massive system would entail turmoil from spawning tornadoes and other assorted interesting weather. We're just hoping for rain... we're still deep deep deep in drought, so if anyone would like to donate their rain showers to us, we'll take 'em.

My other friend who just had her baby seems to be doing well and sent some updated pictures yesterday. Very cute. Lots of new babies running around in my life. Very sweet... can't wait to meet them.

Alright. That's all I got folks. Hope people are doing well. Until later...